Alayna Sonnesyn

Hometown: Plymouth Minnesota

Date of Birth: 06/22/1996

College/Previous Ski Teams: University of Vermont, Stratton Mountain School

Follow on: Instagram, Website

How did you get into skiing?

My parents taught me at the age of 3 and I continued to learn through the MYSL program. Always looking up to my older sister, Marit, I followed her footsteps in joining the Wayzata ski team in 7th grade where I learned what it meant to be on a team.

What are your most fond memories of skiing?

Skiing on the Birkie trails with my family AND getting hot chocolate and cookies in the OO or North End Trailhead.

Best result in skiing?

4x Birkie Champ :) And 24th in the Davos WC Skate Sprint ('22) and Livigno WC Skate Sprint ('23)

Favorite place to visit in Minnesota?

This is way too hard to answer!

Favorite pre-race breakfast?

Oatmeal with all the good toppings.

Favorite workout?

L4 ladders or pyramids.

What keeps you motivated?

A community of people supporting, cheering, and joining me for training.

Tips for recovery?

Sleep is the most important! Fueling well before, during and after training are next up. I like to find 5 mins of every day where I can put my feet up against a wall to help with circulation.

How can you make your community better?

Work with the community to get more people outside, active and in the sport by sharing the love and passion for skiing.