Physical Therapist in Steamboat Colorado and Team Birkie Ambassador

Hometown: Perth, Australia

Date of Birth: 11/21/1991  

Team Birkie Member Since: 2023

College: Montana State University - Bozeman, MT (Undergrad)

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM (Graduate)

Follow on: Instagram, Strava, Facebook

Favorite thing about Minnesota?

  • I love all the access to lakes-  I am a big fan of jumping in the water after a hot workout in the summer!

  • The excitement for cross country skiing in Minnesota is so incredible- its awesome to see so many people who participate in and love the sport. 

Favorite food?

  • My favorite pre-race breakfast is french toast. After a big workout its a toss up between pizza (specifically Mooses’s Tooth in Anchorage, AK) and tacos.

Favorite workout

  • My favorite mode of training during the off-season is on the mountain bike- I love how far the bike can take me on new trails and the technical challenge it provides. In the summer, I also love long runs that involve bagging a peak along the way. 

  • I prefer skating over classic skiing, so in the winter my favorite workout is a long skate ski on a sunny, bluebird day. The more climbing the better!

Tips to keep training, racing, and skiing fun?

  • Keep things fun! Don’t be afraid to mix in activities like swimming and cycling to your summer training. If there’s a new trail you want to explore- go check it out! Being happy is the most important thing for skiing fast in the winter, so keeping your training enjoyable for you is key, in my opinion. 

  • Strength train to minimize your risk of injury. As an athlete, I always thought of strength training from a performance perspective. As I went through Physical Therapy school, I realized how important strength is to keep athletes durable and tolerant to high training loads year-round. As someone who battled a lot of injuries during my career, this message is something I hope to pass on to other athletes- especially the next generation.  

How can/do you help make your community better? 

  • Every day at work, I encourage people to exercise - and to get out and enjoy the outdoors. I feel so much fulfillment when a patient realizes the power of something as simple as going for a walk.

  • I help coach both xc skiing and mountain bike high school athletes, and my number one goal when working with these athletes is to help grow their passion for sport. Training and racing is and should be fun, and I love helping young athletes discover that - ultimately encouraging lifelong participation in sport.

What keeps me motivated?

  • I wanted to become a Physical Therapist because I believe so strongly in the power of movement as medicine- it has a positive effect on both physical and mental health. Daily exercise is a huge priority in my life, and I wanted to help others stay active/achieve their physical goals. I view physical activity with optimism- focusing on what people can do rather than what they can’t.

  • I love training and having goals throughout the winter and summer (whether that’s on skis, the bike, or running). Even though my goals and target races have changed as I’ve gone through my athletic career, I am always working towards something- and will for the rest of my life. I hope to encourage other young athletes to keep pursuing training and racing throughout their lives as well- beyond just college skiing/ post-graduate.

How can/do you help make your community better? 

  • Every day at work, I encourage people to exercise - and to get out and enjoy the outdoors. I feel so much fulfillment when a patient realizes the power of something as simple as going for a walk.

  • I help coach both xc skiing and mountain bike high school athletes, and my number one goal when working with these athletes is to help grow their passion for sport. Training and racing is and should be fun, and I love helping young athletes discover that - ultimately encouraging lifelong participation in sport. 

Jessica Yeaton